#1: White pasta

Refined carbohydrates are one of the biggest weight gain culprits of unhealthy foods. And pasta is particularly troublesome. The flour used to make most refined or “white” pasta is highly processed and stripped of most of its nutritional properties. Refined pasta and other grains can make your blood sugar rise rapidly, releasing a hormone that blocks your body’s ability to burn fat. That alone should be plenty of incentive to skip the pasta.

#2: Sweets

Got a sweet tooth? Then you’re subjecting yourself to one of the biggest sources of unhealthy foods. Sugar offers little nutritional value and is one of the biggest sources of weight gain. A sweet indulgence once in a while is okay, but it’s best to avoid sweet treats like cake, cookies, pie, and ice cream whenever possible.

#3: French fries

Research shows that French fries are a major source of weight gain in overweight and obese people. Fries and other fast food are high in calories and fat and contain highly processed, chemical-laden ingredients.

#4: Soda

Soda is a sugar-filled blend of empty calories, meaning it has zero nutritional value. Most soda contains a cheap corn-based sweetener called high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which can lead to more weight gain than plain old table sugar according to Princeton researchers. Stick with water, coffee, and tea over this “liquid candy.”