Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fasting tips for the Fast Metabolism Diet

The smart way to fast on the Fast Metabolism Diet

The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur is coming up Sept. 13-14, which has prompted questions about fasting from some of our readers (the holiday includes a 26-hour fast). But religious holidays aren’t the only time you might need to fast. Certain medical tests and surgeries also require a period of fasting. Any kind of fasting can be tough on your metabolism, but here’s how to meet your fasting obligation, while minimizing the impact on your metabolism.
No matter why you’ll be fasting, you want your final evening meal to be full of high-quality foods that stick with you, stabilize your blood sugar as much as possible, and calm your hormones.
Remember when fasting, do not alert your body to store fat by stressing about it.  You want to remain calm and find peace in the purpose of your fast.  The meaning of it can be sacred or medically necessary.  And there’s no need to gorge yourself before a fast.  It will stretch your stomach and put you into storage mode.
I like to think about the powers of 3 in the body.  You can go without water for about 3 days, without food for about 3 weeks, without air for about 3 minutes and survive in extreme conditions for approximately 3 hours.  For a short fast, your body will be perfectly fine!
Here are some fasting tips you can use.
The night before
continue to original post  Fasting tips for the Fast Metabolism Diet

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