Wednesday, October 9, 2013

What Is BPA, Anyway?

What Is BPA, Anyway?
You know you should avoid it, you've been told it's in plastic and the lining of canned foods .... but what is BPA, and why, exactly do we want to avoid it?
BPA is Bisphenol A, a chemical used abundantly in plastics, packaging, and epoxy resins as a hardener. It's used in many plastics such as Ziploc bags, water bottles, baby bottles, and Tupperware containers. It also lines canned food, is used in some dental sealants, and is found in the coating of some metal equipment, including medical tools.
The problem is that BPA doesn't stay where it's put. It leeches into our food, drinks and bodies, contaminating our precious little temple with this chemical.
BPA is said to cause cancer, increase risk of heart related disease, disrupt hormones, and prove toxic and harmful to brain development in infants and
children. Many canned food manufacturers are now offering cans with "BPA free lining," water bottles are made BPA free and Ziploc bags are being produced without BPA. Being mindful of your exposure to these chemicals will not only reduce our toxic load, it will also allow you to vote with your dollar.
In refusing to buy products containing BPA, you protect your body and make a statement by letting the chemical-laden (albeit more affordable) junk sit on the shelf. By resolving to do this, and banding together, it's possible to improve the norm.
Some tips to reduce your exposure to BPA:

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